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Perkins Angus Ranch to Table

The Best PART of your meal!
Wednesday and Friday 2-6 pm

715 E Main

Lyons, KS


Call or text to order 785-531-1365


We provide retail meat cuts, plus custom cut quarters, halves and wholes, all home raised and butchered locally, along with a selection of al e carte beef at the store in Lyons.

Click here to see a price list

Beef Bundles

Feel free to give Elizabeth

a call or text at 785-531-1365 to order


Store Front open Wed & Fri 2-6

715 E Main

Lyons, KS 67554

All of our beef is raised on our ranch or one of our affiliates and butchered locally. It is hormone free and antibiotic limited (ie. they only get antibiotics if they are sick)


Just what all do you need to know before you order a quarter of beef


How to Cook a Quarter

Elizabeth is working on a cookbook for how to cook all the cuts of meat you usually get in a quarter of beef, until then check out

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